🎶Let Me Hear Your Body Talk🎶 How To Use Gestures Effectively On Camera
A question I hear a lot is "What should I do with my hands on camera?" And it's a good one, because often we feel awkward when we are in...
How To Find Your Vocal Brand And Sound Great On Camera and Your Podcast
Okay. I want you to think about this for a minute. Close your eyes. When you can only hear someone and you can't see them, their voice...
How To Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Headshots Done - Today
Before we get started, let me ask you a question. Do you ever procrastinate? Yeah, me too. I’m pretty sure we all do at one time or...
How To Find The Key Elements of Your Visual Identity- Interview With Graphic Designer Jason Clement
Interview with Graphic Design Jason Clement on Camera Ready With Val Brown - Episode 20 - How to Find The Key Elements Of Your Visual...
How To Find The Key Elements Of Your Visual Brand - Part One
A while back I was facilitating an executive retreat for a local non profit. When we came to topic on branding, one of the board members...
Use Your Power Stance, Lose Bad Habits and Find Your Zone of Genius - 3 Books To Show You How
"Great books help you understand, and they help you feel understood.” –John Green When I first started in television, books were where I...
How To Look Natural Using A Teleprompter - 3 Things You Need To Know
If you’ve ever used a teleprompter, you know reading a script on screen is not as easy as it sounds, especially if someone else is...