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7 little known hacks to help you face your fear of going live on Facebook

Be sure you're ready before you hit the live video button. A simple checklist to help you prepare and boost your confidence before going live. You can listen to the podcast at

Is this you?  

You need to use video for your business and the thought of going live on Facebook sends shivers up your spine?

Or even worse, you feel sick or lose sleep even thinking about it?

You can’t really put your finger on it. You speak in front of groups of people all the time. Why is Facebook Live different?  

Maybe  you’re worried that people will judge you for how you look and how you sound? And the mind-chatter makes going live a non-starter.

Your conversation with you goes something like this:

“Why can’t I just hit the live video button and get it done? Everyone else seems to do it, even when they aren’t great.  They don’t seem to worry about what they look like…”

“Oh, I can’t do that...what if no one shows up, what if I mess up, what if the tech doesn’t work, what if I’m talking to myself…. I could NEVER be that vulnerable, I’d lose credibility!”

And on and on it goes….

Sound familiar???

You’re not alone.  Any of us with an online business (myself included) that requires a social media presence has felt the same way.  Even some well known influencers like Amy Porterfield and Jasmine Star are very candid about how they felt the first time they did Facebook live.  So you are in good company.

Fear no more, today I’m going to go through a checklist to help you get you ready so you can push the live video button and do your FIRST FACEBOOK LIVE with confidence.  Once you’ve done one, it just gets easier and you’ll get better each time.

Following this simple checklist will ensure that you have thought through all of the things you are terrified will happen, and help you get you through your jitters.

So if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

1. Create an outline.  By answering these questions you are setting the stage for your video.

a) What’s the purpose of your video?  Do you want to educate, inform, engage, persuade, entertain your viewers?

b) What key message do you want to deliver? This will be your opening statement.  (i.e. I have exciting news to share, or so glad you’re here, today I’m going to share my secret to …..  

Be brief and get to the point. People are busy and if you take too long  to get to the point you will lose them. If you need a refresher on this listen to episode xx. There’s also a download with that episode to help you work through this.

c) Include a brief bio of who you are and why you’re qualified to solve their problem for example I’d say I’m Val Brown, and over three decades I’ve learned a thing or two about what really connects with people on camera. I’m here to show you how to use tested and timeless approaches to master your camera confidence, maximize your marketing and boost your business.

Keep it brief and respect your viewer’s time.

d) Outline your key message.  What do you want your viewers to know, what problem are you solving? Be sure you keep it simple and know what you want to share. I use bullet points, that way I’m not tempted to read. Write a sentence or two for your open and close.

(i.e. “Hi, I'm (your name) and I’m so glad you could join me  today so I can show you how to get over your fear of going live on Facebook. You’ll learn the 7 little known hacks to take the fear out of going live on Facebook, and make sure you’re not talking to the crickets.”

Tell them what they’ll learn and then teach it.

In your first video, focus on only one topic or problem and keep it brief. We’re going for progress, not perfection.

2. Write a summary and call to action. What do you want your viewers to do as a result of watching your video?  Click a link? Go to a download? Be sure to think this through and how it supports your overall marketing goals. Keep it brief, upbeat and on message. Stay with me till the end of this video and I’ll give you a link to download your copy of 7 Little Known Hacks to Take the Fear Out Of Going Live on Facebook. Start with your call to action (CTA)when you’re writing your message and work backwards, it makes it easier to be sure all your points support your opening! I use this method for everything I write. Begin with the end in mind, write your introduction and then the middle fills itself in.

3. Review  the tech.  Going live on Facebook is simple.  Locate the camera icon that says Live Video, you press and Go LIVE.  If you are going to share your screen, be sure to select that option BEFORE going live. Choose something to wear that supports your brand. If you’re brand is casual, wear something that supports your brand. Episode 5 is all about what to wear on camera you can check it out here. There’s a checklist with that episode you can download as well.

4) Test your microphone.  You don’t have to have fancy equipment to get started. Start where you are and grow from there.  If you don’t have a microphone, make sure you are close enough to the mic on your computer to be heard clearly.  If you are using an external microphone, be sure you have it selected on your recording device. Remember, people will forgive poor video if they can hear you.

5) Adjust your camera. Test a few different angles and make sure you are looking directly into the lens.  That means taking the time to do a test record (you can use Zoom or Quicktime) or take a screenshot to make sure you’re not looking down or up (not a good look) at the camera. It’s a good way to check your background too.

6) Add some light.  If you can sit in front of a window, do so. If you don’t have natural light, use a ring light (buy on Amazon) or even desk lamps with daylight bulbs (you can buy them at Home Depot). You can listen to episode 30 for more details on lighting and resources. Shadows and poorly lit video will send the wrong message. Your viewers need to be able to see you (distraction free) to connect.

7) Check your background.  Make sure you clean up the area behind you and close open doors.  Clear stacks of paper and clutter and make sure your background sends the message you want your viewers to receive. I did a couple of episodes on finding your visual brand where I go through the things you need to think about when you’re creating a background for your videos. Listen to episode 19 for the details on this. There’s a pdf planner with that one as well.

Okay, are you still with me? I want to give you a few bonus hacks that will help you get more comfortable before you push the live video button.

A few bonus hacks

Bonus hack #1:  Practice a few times before you go live. Don’t memorize anything, it will make you sound canned and if you forget, you will get flustered.  Get used to referring to your outline so it feels natural. If you try to memorize or read, you’re not going to sound natural. Authentic beats perfect, every time. Be yourself and smile!

Bonus hack #2 :Go live on your fan page, not your personal page. You don’t have to announce you are going live for the first time. Knowing you may not have a large audience will make it feel safer to be yourself and give yourself permission not to be perfect.  Ask a few good friends to be there to ask questions (if that’s your format) and to provide support.

Bonus hack #3:  Once you’ve recorded your video, create captions. x percent of viewers watch videos without the sound. Facebook has made it easy to do this now, simply x.

To get your your Facebook Live Checklist, go to the show notes and click on the link to download it and watch the video.

Summing it up

1. Create an outline. What is the purpose of  your video, inform, educate, persuade, engage? Key message bullet points - what they’ll learn, key concepts. If you need help with this listen to episode 37 2. Write your summary and call to action. What do you want your viewers to remember and do after watching your video? 3. Review the tech and choose your wardrobe. What do you need to do to go live, share your screen? What will you wear?  Adjust your camera angle - adjust so it’s eye level, use screenshots to test.

4. Audio. Test your audio, be sure you are using the right mic input. 5. Lighting.  Add some if you don’t have ample natural light. Use desk lamps with daylight bulbs, a ring light or pro lighting. 6. Adjust your camera angle and height. Make sure you are looking directing into the lens,  it’s at the top of your screen.

7. Background - free of clutter and distractions, and supports your brand.

Bonus Hacks:

⏺ Ask some friends to cheer you on and ask questions if that’s your format

⏺ Practice ahead of time with your outline

⏺  Use your fan page, not your personal page to practice

That’s all for today. Thanks so much for stopping by. Be sure to download your free checklist, 7 Little Known Hacks To Take the Fear Out of Going Live on Facebook.

You’re going to want to be sure to do that because there’s an amazing bonus for those of you who download it go through it to the end. Here’s a hint, you’ll learn about how you can work with me to do your first Facebook live!

If you have questions you’d like me to answer on a future episode, you can email me at

Hope you can join us next week for another episode of Camera Ready with Val Brown.

Until then, remember, with a little pre planning and practice you can go live on Facebook like a pro, every time.

Let’s connect on social media!

Val Brown is an Emmy Award winning television producer, story, visual and personal brand consultant, coach, and speaker. She shows high performing business professionals and entrepreneurs the skills they need to be confident on video to grow their business, influence and authority. Learn more about how Val can help you.


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